Chemical Peels Vs. Facials: 4 Facts You Should Know

Chemical Peels Vs. Facials:  4 Facts You Should Know

Looking to kick your skincare game up a notch? Why not try a facial or chemical peel? For decades these tried and true professional skincare treatments have been giving people healthy, smooth, and glowing complexions. 

Now, it’s important to know that facials and chemical peels are not the same. Chemical peels are a type of facial, but use different products and work differently than a traditional facial! 

Let’s talk about a few things you should know when it comes to chemical peels vs. facials. 

Products Used

The main thing that sets these two treatments apart is the type of products used to complete each treatment. 

Facials like our Pure Facial, utilize medical-grade skin care to cleanse, exfoliate and polish the skin. Creams, cleansers, serums, and other products are used during a facial treatment.  

Chemical peels use a low pH chemical solution like retinaldehyde, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, TCA (trichloroacetic acid), or AHA/BHA, to treat the skin and start the peeling, healing, and rejuvenation process. 

chemical peels vs. facials

Treatment Process

During a facial, your aesthetic professional will assess your skin by identifying the type of skin you have (oily, dry, combo) and analyze any skin conditions present (acne, age spots, etc). From there they will choose the type of skincare products that will benefit your skin the most and then cleanse, exfoliate and polish. 

Blackheads and clogged pores can also be extracted during a facial! 

When you receive a chemical peel it is all about the acidic solution. Your face will be cleansed and your aesthetic professional will help determine what kind of chemical peel you need per your skin issues and concerns. We offer light, medium and deep chemical peels here at Neos MedSpa to ensure our clients get exactly what they need.

From there they will apply a light layer of the chemical solution and allow it to soak into the skin for a certain period of time. Once that is completed your skin will be cleansed and a light serum will be applied to help protect the skin. 

Read our latest article about what to expect during your first chemical peel for more details. 


Facials are a great treatment to receive a few days before a big event or vacation because it gives you plump, smooth, hydrated and glowing skin. There is no downtime after a facial as it is a light treatment that focuses on replenishing and hydrating the skin. 

A chemical peel, depending on the level, can take a few days to a few weeks to heal. You won’t need to stay at home or away from work, but you will need to minimize your time in direct sunlight and limit activities like biking, running and exercising for up to a week. You’ll also want to use minimal skincare products (no scrubs but light hydrating serum is okay) and try to avoid makeup until the process is complete. 


You’ll see the results of your facial right away. You may have slight redness in areas that had extractions but for the next few weeks you’ll have a glowing complexion worthy of filter-free selfies! Because facials are non-invasive and are meant to help cleanse the skin you can receive one anytime. Typically we suggest our clients come in once a month for a facial to maintain their results. 

Chemical peels will feel like a slight sunburn and will take a bit of time before the results show completely. A few days after receiving your chemical peel your skin may start to peel. It’s imperative that you do not peel the skin. As much as you may want to, you need to let the process work on its own! The skin peeling away is dead skin because new healthy and regenerated skin is appearing underneath. You’ll see minimized pores, wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and more after the peel takes full effect. It may take a few peels to get the optimal results, but once your treatment plan is completed you will just need to come in for maintenance.

Light peels can be performed every month, and medium and deeper peels can have a longer break in between because of the impact they have on your skin.  

Want To Know More About Chemical Peels Vs. Facials? See Neos MedSpa Today!

If you’re interested in learning more about the chemical peels vs. facials, we’ve got you covered. Here at Neos MedSpa we provide the highest quality treatments and services to our clients. Along with these treatments, we also offer laser hair removal, dermaplaning, microdermabrasion, and IPL facials. 

Book now to schedule your treatment and discuss your skincare goals!

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